
Life is hard.
Every second- life is hard.
Every minute- life is hard.
Every hour-     life is hard.
Every minute- life is hard.
People! We all have our goals, we all have our dreams....Although are 100% percent sure that they come true? Do you know whether you are travelling on the right road? Is 'that' road easy? Does walking on it make you feel happy? Have you ever wondered whether you even like that road?

There are only 2 words, that says it all.... ~Determination & Love~
Yah, you guys probably would be thinking about how lame this sounds.
How everyone gives all these useless philosophy talks. Why is she doing this?
Trust me these talks you have been hearing around are all true, in one way or another: directly or indirectly. You just have to put in the effort to make it relatable. C'mon how hard can that be?
To be honest, if you haven't actually tried or failed, then this is all rubbish.
XX ~WARNING- Do not read if you haven't " Actually" lived ~XX

Yes I agree every one's story of life is completely different, but there is a "part" where the world is related.

Yupp, it's not that easy to reach success cause you know what? Buckle up, mis amigos! Life is a bumpy ride!

Determination and love are all takes. Love is when you know that you would give up everything for it. Determination just follows up, cause no matter what you are facing, every second reminds you that you're lovin' it more than it hurts!

The feeling about losing in life is hurtful but that is the moment when you realize, where you stand, and where the world does so that you know how much hard work you need put on.
Failure is what makes you strong. It is the only key where you can unlock, all your strengths and weaknesses. Failure defeats loser but certainly inspire winners, and that is all we need.
Personally, I accept failure, everyone fails at something I cannot accept not trying

We all make mistakes.
Mistakes are made to happen.
Mistakes are made to learn from.
Mistake is a mistake that happens mistakenly.
Loads of people may criticize and judge based on your mistakes. But you and I both know that everyone is guilty about something or other in their life, and it's perfectly GREAT to make mistakes.
Cause -
"The only man who never makes a mistake, is the man who never does anything"
~ Theodore Roosevelt

Family support is another annoying thing which you love & need! ( you know what i mean)
There is always someone in the family who is totally the opposite or against you, but you see every action has a reason behind it.
Family support is not always given to everyone and everyone does not receive support from their family. If your family supports you in your passion and goals, the BRAVO! Your life is automatically set! If you don't, GREAT!
I, myself am not a very family-ish kind of girl and I totally believe in self learning.

Mmmm....it is depressing to think about, not having anyone by your side through rough situations, It is a very sad thought. Yes, those times when you desperately need someone to help you out.
The basic need is to-
Everything lies in your heart.
For me, this is the hardest, cause thinking about the future when i might need help creeps me out! You should remember, these are all "if" situations and they don't apply  until it happens.
Think about all the good things in the in your life. Make plans. Engage yourself. Jot down few plans you would like to make(don't make them too precise).
That's about it.

 Keep dreaming, failing, succeeding and learning.... Oh, and never lose your determination, cause that's what keeps you moving and once you've lost it, it's the hardest part to bring back!

Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence.
~Colin Powell
- Devyani✨


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